Is down - April, 2024?

MyGov Outages and Status
MyGov Logo

MyGov is an online platform created by the Government of India to ensure better public service delivery and allow citizens to interact more efficiently with the government. It provides a centralised platform for citizens to access government services, submit feedback and participate in policy making. Through MyGov, users can access information related to the government, engage in discussions on policy matters, and connect with the government departments.

Last check: Just Now |

URL Checked:

Last Down:

not recently

Response Time:

0.58 ms. outages reported by users in the last 24 hours

No MyGov problems reported in the last 24 hours

This chart shows the number of MyGov outages/problems reported by users in the past 24 hours. All data in the chart is in the UTC time zone.

MyGov Outage Locations



Last Reported

AU Flag Icon

Brisbane, Queensland, AU


30 days ago

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, New South Wales, AU


1 months ago

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, South Australia, AU


1 months ago

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Victoria, AU


1 months ago

AU Flag Icon

Perth, Western Australia, AU


2 months ago

AU Flag Icon

Hobart, Tasmania, AU


2 months ago

IE Flag Icon

Kilconnell, Connacht, IE


5 months ago

AU Flag Icon

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, AU


8 months ago

US Flag Icon

Houston, Texas, US


8 months ago

Most common MyGov problems reported by users



Are you experiencing issues with MyGov right now?

Is not working for you? If you are having issues with MyGov, please use one of the options below to report a problem with the service website response status history

Date and Time

Response Time

Status Code

23 Apr 2024 - 18:16

0.58 ms.


23 Apr 2024 - 12:28

0.44 ms.


23 Apr 2024 - 05:05

0.61 ms.


22 Apr 2024 - 13:02

0.63 ms.


22 Apr 2024 - 06:46

0.6 ms.


22 Apr 2024 - 00:59

0.45 ms.


21 Apr 2024 - 14:27

0.55 ms.


This table shows the outage requests and response browser checks executed automatically by the DownAU service. All data in the table is in the UTC time zone. If MyGov is down or slow for you. You can try using a VPN service(to try from a different location) and also check the Tips below

General Tips to Fix an

  • Check your internet connection: Unstable connectivity can slow down or prevent your apps or websites from loading. Reset your modem or contact your ISP if necessary.

  • Use another device: Try using a different computer or device to access your website or app to know if it’s a device issue.

  • Restart your device: Restarting your device is very important. Simply turn off your device and wait a few minutes before turning it back on.

  • Use a different browser: It's possible that the problem is with your browser. Try using a different one to diagnose the problem.

  • Verify your URL: If you enter the wrong URL, the website may display an error page or it may direct you to a different site instead.

  • Clear your cache: The cache stores frequently accessed data temporarily. Clear your cache by going to browser settings and selecting "clear browsing data".

  • Try Incognito mode: This mode disables cookies and temporary cache automatically — so you would know immediately if you need to clear cache and cookies or not.

  • Update your app: Developers often release updates to fix bugs and improve your app’s performance. If you're having issues, check for available updates as it may solve your problem.

  • Check for compatibility: Check if the app or website works with your device and operating system as an old device may cause issues.

  • Use VPN Service: Your internet provider might block the website or app you want to access. Try a VPN to see if it works.

  • Turn off your browser extensions: These can sometimes mess with apps and websites. If you're having issues, try turning off any extensions you've added.

  • Check your firewall & antivirus: These can also prevent you from accessing certain websites or services. You can try temporarily turning them off to see if it fixes the issue.

  • Disable ad-blockers: Ad-blockers can cause problems as well. Try to disable any ad-blockers you have installed and check if it fixes the problem.

  • Uninstall & reinstall: This is for mobile apps encountering issues–try uninstalling and reinstalling it. This can clear up any corrupt files or settings.

  • Update your device: Your device software may be outdated. Check the settings for updates to make sure your device software is up-to-date.

  • Reset app or website settings: Certain apps and websites offer an option to reset their settings to default. Check the help section of the app or website to see if this is available.

  • Check for malware: Malware can create problems with apps and websites. Install a trustworthy antivirus program on your device and scan for malware.

  • Clear your DNS cache: Check if the app or website works with your device and operating system as an old device may cause issues.

Join MyGov Discussion

Suggestions? Issues? Outages?
Please share your MyGov experience with other users around the globe.

AU Flag Icon


Perth, Australia 2 months ago

I cannot login in mygov acc.

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, Australia 2 months ago

Not letting any log in

AU Flag Icon

Adelaide, Australia 2 months ago

Can’t log in

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 2 months ago

Telling me not connected to the internet despite re-downloading app from the app store

AU Flag Icon

Perth, Australia 2 months ago

Not working

AU Flag Icon


Liverpool, Australia 2 months ago

An unexpected error occurred while trying to login.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 2 months ago

Logging in instantly returns with you have logged out . Tried 3 times same thing happens

AU Flag Icon


Perth, Australia 3 months ago

Not working

AU Flag Icon


Perth, Australia 3 months ago

Won't let me report

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 3 months ago

Unable to log in through app or website in different devices. It says server is down.

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 3 months ago

App not loading the information and says not connected to the internet

AU Flag Icon

Mr Flappypants

Sydney, Australia 4 months ago

No login

AU Flag Icon

Melbourne, Australia 4 months ago

Trying to log into MyGov with digital id, website keeps loading on the callback and dashboard links after verifying code but never actually logging me in. Keeps happening on few devices since 1pm

AU Flag Icon

Jill Davies

Brisbane, Australia 4 months ago

Site told me that I am permanently locked out. Something definitely wrong with log-in.

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 5 months ago

Cannot receive,SMS code

AU Flag Icon


Sydney, Australia 5 months ago

NEVER works properly
Logins ALWAYS fail multiple times and then suddenly miraculously work with nothing different.
Trying to link Medicare app to mygov on new phone
Have got it to work previously, so my details exist and are correct
But Noooooooo
After spending over an hour trying to link Medicare app with mygov using my phone and laptop
It keeps failing
Useless system

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 5 months ago

i cant log in as l am not receiving a code on my phone

AU Flag Icon

Lesley Field

Melbourne, Australia 6 months ago

Just stops and can't do anything

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 6 months ago

Will not take my MyGov ID number. When I use email as my ID it doesn't like that either. Tried to rest my password in case it was that, and finally gave me a confirmation text to login and no....eroor code.

AU Flag Icon

Sydney, Australia 6 months ago

Unable to get past spinning blue wheel once login code has been submitted.

AU Flag Icon


Melbourne, Australia 7 months ago

Wont load

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 7 months ago

Twice someone tried to get into mygov account on Friday night 15 Sept (I found out by verification code being sent to my phone). I waited on 132307 for 2.5 HOURS to notify them on Friday night and no one answered. I gave up at 22:15pm. I'm trying again this morning and been waiting for 45 mins and still just the hold music. There is no email address to notify on the mygov website and nowhere to make a complaint (just a survey about was I satisfied.)

AU Flag Icon

Paul Quinn

Brisbane, Australia 7 months ago

signed in to mygov ok but when trying to access link to DVA receive an error notice

AU Flag Icon


Brisbane, Australia 7 months ago

Unable to sign into MyGov in the last hour (now 10.22am 30/8)

AU Flag Icon

Angry Mike

Sydney, Australia 8 months ago

I hate the bloody system. Who designed it?

AU Flag Icon

Dianne Hollis

Melbourne, Australia 8 months ago

I am trying to login, it says my password is incorrect but will not send a code to my email or phone to correct the problem

AU Flag Icon

Dave Bonallack

Perth, Australia 9 months ago

Accepts my email and password, asks for sms code, but doesn't send the sms code.

Latest screenshot
Rate your experience with MyGov uptime performance over the last 30 days

Frequently Asked Questions

We have recently sent browser requests to and it's up and running with status code 200 (UP) and a response time of 0.58 ms. We recommend clearing your cache or restarting/updating your app.

If your MyGov, is running slow, it could be because of various reasons such as an old version, bad internet connectivity, or it could not be working properly with your device.

We suggest updating it and disabling extensions or ad-blockers. You can also try using a different browser.

If you see an error message from MyGov, it could be because of different problems such as server issues, outdated software, or compatibility problems.

To fix it, check if there is an update available for the app or website. Also, make sure your device's software is up to date.

HTTP response status code is a 3-digit number that tells you if a request to a website or app was successful or not.

There are four types of codes: 2XX (successful), 3XX (redirect), 4XX (browser error), and 5XX (server error).

These codes help developers and users know what's happening and what to do next if there's a problem.

The HTTP response time technically measures how much time it takes for a website to load after you click on a link or type in its web address.

Knowing about HTTP response time can help you identify slow-loading websites and take action to improve your browsing experience.

When you can't load any content on MyGov, it might be due to slow internet or issues with the content provider. Try to reset your router to improve your connectivity.

When many people are using MyGov's app or website at the same time, it can cause issues. Try using it again during less busy times. You can also try using Incognito mode to see if it works.

Sometimes, you may have trouble using it due to issues with its code or design. Try changing your device's accessibility settings or you can also try using a different browser or device.

It could be because of wrong login information or problems with the app or website's code. Try resetting your password, checking your login details, or reaching out to their customer support for help.

If all else fails, please feel free to report the problem to us so we can investigate it further. You may also check if other users are facing the same issue on our website.